All prices are unframed.
- Kathryn plaster 2016
- Imogen 2018 clay
- Sebastian 2011 clay
- Anna-Mai 1985 Kingston Polytechnic charcoal on paper
- Rowan 2008 £140
- Molly April 2010
- Charlotte September 2010 commission
- Christopher September 2010 commission
- Brian
- K sleeping March 2010
- Kathryn sad in the garden 2011
- K April 2010
- Imogen Juy 2005
- Imogen tired April 2008
- Imogen unwell, December 2009
- Kathryn reading 2011
- Kathryn losing weight 2010
- Sebastian December 2008
- Sarah Summer 2009
- Fleur September 2013 pastel commission
- Alfie and Isabel 2018 oil on board commission
- Nick 2017 gouache and coloured pencil on board commission
- Sheila Atim from a photograph by Paul Farrell. Ink, gouache, coffee and collage £240
- From a photograph by Sophia Spring 2021 ink, coffee and gouache. £240
- Sheila Atim 2021 coffee and emulsion paint
- Ellie 2017 charcoal on paper £120
- Kathryn and Sebastian plaster