All prices are unframed.
- Dominic times Four May 2019. ink, charcoal and acrylic on tinted paper. (Sold)
- Solfrid, Kingston 2018. Charcoal on paper £160
- Kathryn contour Epsom 2007 (sold)
- Dee sitting July 2011 £100
- Bianca double 2018 £140
- Ruth, London, February 11 2017. Charcoal pencil £150
- Yannis javelin. Epsom 2007 (sold)
- Yannis layered 2007 (sold)
- Solfrid kneeling 2018 £100
- reclining and kneeling 2 Richmond January 2001 £140
- standing nude with raised leg Nice 1990 (sold)
- Seated nude Richmond April 1997 £120
- Nude with scarf Richmond September 1996 (sold)
- reclining nude 2 Richmond-1988
- Reclining nude Richmond 1988 (sold)
- reclining nude arms back Richmond 1989 (sold)
- standing nude Nice 1990
- Seated nude Brighton 1989 (sold)
- Seated nude Brighton 1989 (sold)
- Standing nude Valerie (sold)